Monday, November 2, 2020

Happy Halloween

Hello and Welcome!

 We just had a fantastic week of celebrating and creating for Halloween.  
The kids were so excited and I was excited to be sharing it all with them.

So here's what we did last week.

Flying Bat
Simple flying bat craft.
We made a little video to show how it could fly.
here is the link to print out the plate pattern:

Here is a simple witch we made using a green cup from the Dollar Store.
We decorated it then I poked a hole where the nose would be and we added a battery tea light inside that poked through the hole.  So cute!

Magnet Fly
We created a video to show you how the fly stayed away from being eaten by the spider.
Some of the kids expanded this activity to include finding all the things that the magnet would stick to.
I printed out the fly and spider here.

Spookly the Square Pumpkin
The kids have watched Spookly on Netflix.  Cute and fun for this young age group and great lesson on how being different is OK.
They liked playing with their puppets.

Halloween Box
We created a Halloween box to collect all our goodies in.

Pumpkin decorating

Cutting practice witch found here.

....some colouring too

Our Party

Our Halloween party was a huge success!!
So fun and the kids looked so cute.
Here are some of the fun things we did at our party.

Feed the Witch

Get that Spider
(great fine motor activity)

Pumpkin Ring Toss

Don't Drop the Eyeball
The kids had to carry the eyeball on the skeleton hand around the spider web I made using tape on the floor and step into all the rings as they went along.

Spider Toss
I covered a hoola hoop with masking tape (sticky side facing out) and we threw pom pom spiders into the web to see how many would stick.

Bowling in the Dark
One of the yearly favourites!
Placed a glow stick into a water bottle and used a cat toy that had a mouse inside as our bowling ball.

I also set up a Feel Me and Guess box.  (sorry no picture)
Simple cut 2 hand holes in the bottom of a box.
The kids sit in front, put their hands through the holes and have to guess the object by feeling it.
We are going to do this one again at Christmas using themed items.
Finally we did a Photo many giggles for that one!!

Our Party Food

Melted Cheese Mummies

Ghosts  (white chocolate covered pretzels)

....and of course we just had to make some more of these fun spiders!!

Thanks so much for coming by and taking a look.


  1. Oh my goodness Karen what a wonderful time you've all had for Halloween. The makes are fabulous, especially the interactive makes, your are so clever to be able to do these ad help the little ones to make them too, seems you had a lovely party, Kate x

  2. Super fun and love the interactive videos and the dressing up, along with the fun food loked amazing. No wonder you all had so much fun....x.


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