Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Welcome Spring, Favourite TV Show and More

The past few weeks we have watched the weather get warmer and all the piles of snow we had, melt away.  It's still been chilly and at times, a bit snowy but watching nature emerge is such an exciting time!

So, here's what we have been up to the last few weeks.
First, we will start with some crafts made for the kids favourite TV show..Bluey.

Bluey Puppet

Bluey Door Hangers

Bluey Puzzle and Book

Bluey Match Game

Chicks in the Nest

Rocking Chick

Name Bunnies

Paper Plate Ring Toss Game

Rainbow Globes
The kids used some black Fluorescent Scratch paper to make a designs, then I glued them into old CD cases.

Suncatchers Using Old CD Cases

Thanks so much for coming by and taking a look.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Polar/Arctic Animals

The winter is slowly leaving us and we are looking forward to Spring.
We have been working on lots of fun and learning over the last few weeks.  
My kids love Polar/Arctic animals, where they live, what they eat, etc.

So, here's what we've been up to.

Polar Bear

Paper Plate Arctic Fox

Arctic Scene

Arctic Snowy Owl

Penguin Paper Bag Puppets

Learning About Penguins

Penguin Wreath

Feed the Polar Bear

Walrus Hat

Activity Sheet

Thanks for coming by and taking a look.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Be My Valentine

The past few weeks we have been creating and celebrating Valentine's Day.
It's such a fun time for the kids, making Valentines and giving them to their friends and family.

So, here's what we've been up to the last few weeks.

Paper Straw Hearts

Polar Bear Valentine

Love Robots

Heart Bears

Heart Whale Puppets

Valentine Wreath


Friendship Necklaces

Who Will Be My Valentine

Valentine Trees

Heart Banner



Valentine Pocket



Valentine ABC Match


Heart Sandwiches

Chocolate Covered Heart Strawberries

Thanks so much for coming by and taking a look.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Another few weeks have passed and we have been continuing to embrace the winter with lots of snowy crafts and outside time in the snow.

So, here's what we've been up to the last few weeks.

Snowflake Crown



Hockey Player


Shape Snowmen

Let it Snow

Snowflake Lacing

Snowflake Lanterns

Join Up the Dots

Number Practice with Stickers

Groundhog Day Shadow Match

Thanks so much for taking a look!