The past few weeks we have watched the weather get warmer and all the piles of snow we had, melt away. It's still been chilly and at times, a bit snowy but watching nature emerge is such an exciting time!
So, here's what we have been up to the last few weeks.
First, we will start with some crafts made for the kids favourite TV show..Bluey.
Bluey Puppet
Bluey Door Hangers
Bluey Puzzle and Book
Bluey Match Game
Chicks in the Nest
Rocking Chick
Name Bunnies
Paper Plate Ring Toss Game
Rainbow Globes
The kids used some black Fluorescent Scratch paper to make a designs, then I glued them into old CD cases.
Suncatchers Using Old CD Cases
Thanks so much for coming by and taking a look.